Heart Healthy Tips When Eating Out

No question, it takes a lot of commitment and effort to change eating habits. People can't just simply undo the habits they have acquired over the years overnight. If you are intent on following some heart healthy tips, I strongly suggest that you ease into new habits gradually. If you do this, you will find it simpler to form positive and new habits that can just be comfortable to you as your old ones. Later on you will discover that your healthy lifestyle will aid you in feeling better, looking better, and best of all, you will have a healthier heart!

If you are intent on keeping your heart healthy, you would just need to keep in mind the heart healthy tips that helped you start live a heart-healthy lifestyle. Whenever you go out to eat, this doesn't mean that you should immediately lose control of the eating plan you have laid out for yourself. By always making smart and healthy choices, thinking ahead and perceiving the temptations and roadblocks you will encounter, you can easily follow a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet anywhere you might be!
Here are some great tips when eating out:

1. Scrutinize the menu before the server comes to you. Don't be shy to inquire how the food is made and prepared.

2. Keep in mind that it's okay even if you don't finish everything on your plate. You can always bring home a box, to-go!

3. Ask the server if the restaurant can make substitutions such as steamed veggies instead of French fries.

4. Inquire about fat-free or low-fat choices.

5. Instead of adding the dressing on your salad, try asking for a lemon or low-calorie salad for a change.

6. Ask for fruit sorbet or fresh fruit instead of ice cream.

7. For entrée, make sure that it's baked, broiled, poached, steamed or grilled instead of fried.

8. Ask for boiled, roasted or baked potatoes instead of fried. Also, ask for them without the sour cream or butter.

9. Ask for vegetable side dishes minus the butter or sauces.

10. Once you see that all that is listed on the menu are unhealthy and fattening, ask if the chef can make you a vegetable or fruit platter. Most chefs will be happy to oblige.

11. When choosing your main dish, don't forget to use the basic guidelines of healthy eating. Choose, skinless chicken, fish or lean meat.

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