Causes of Tension Headache

According to the medical practitioners there can be various causes of tension headache. However, the exact cause is still not 100% confirmed.
Tension headaches are also known as stress headaches, muscle contraction headaches, daily headaches, or chronic non-progressive headaches. But one thing to be confirmed is that these kinds of headaches are not hereditary hence it is a wrong conception among people that it is inherited trait that runs in the family.
It is also considered to be a response by the body to the emotional strains and pressures rather than to excessive muscular tightness and resultant restriction of scalp arteries as it was assumed earlier. This type of headache usually begins in middle age unlike migraines, which is often seen in people during adolescence stage.

The few important factors which are considered to be the cause of tension headache are as follows:

o It is considered that the most common cause that triggers it is stress-induced muscular tension in the head, neck and shoulders.

o Tension headaches are also considered to be triggered due to some type of environmental or internal stress. Nowadays the most common sources of stress are high competition at work place, studies, family problems, financial problems etc. It can also be triggered by an isolated stressful situation or a build-up of stress. Stress on daily or regular basis can lead to chronic tension headaches.

o For some of us, tension headaches are caused by tightened muscles in the back of the neck and scalp. It is also known that the muscle contraction is a response to stress, depression or anxiety.

o The activities that cause the head to be held in one position for a long time without movement can lead to headache like sitting at work place on computer or continuous writing work etc.

o Sleeping with the neck in an abnormal position can also trigger this type of headache.

o Other common causes of tension headaches are excessive smoking, excessive alcohol or over excretion etc.

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